Ace Lips Comedy Nights, the hilarious monthly showcase, unfolds its comedic brilliance in Rochdale at the historic Old Court Room above the Flying Horse. Born out of a shared love for laughter, these comedy nights feature a lineup of talented comedians who light up the stage with wit and humor.
Set against the charming backdrop of Rochdale Town Hall, these monthly gatherings bring together locals and comedy enthusiasts for an unforgettable night of entertainment. The Old Court Room, perched above the Flying Horse, serves as the perfect intimate venue, creating an atmosphere where laughter reverberates through the historic walls.
Ace Lips Comedy Nights pride themselves on delivering a diverse range of comedic styles, from sharp observational humor to quick-witted improvisation. Each month, they curate a lineup that guarantees laughter, making it a must-attend event for those seeking a dose of joy in the heart of Rochdale.
Join the community at the Old Court Room, where Ace Lips Comedy Nights transform ordinary evenings into extraordinary comedic experiences, leaving audiences eagerly anticipating the next installment of laughter in this unique and historic setting. #livecomedy #comedians #rochdale #comedynights #rochdaletowncentre